As a member of Duddingston Golf Club you also receive the following benefits:
There are various categories of membership available, simply visit the " Our Memberships" page and fill in the simple form.
As a member of Duddingston GC, you are entitled to play at any of the other “1895 Club” courses. This is a fantastic benefit of membership and you are encouraged to make use of it under the following rules.
One of the members has provided a useful Google map to see the location of all the Clubs involved (please note we are not responsible for this content and it may not be up-to-date).
The basis of the arrangement are as follows:
1. Members can only visit clubs that are more than 75 miles from their own club unless otherwise agreed.
2. Play will be restricted to one four-ball per club per day.
3. Visiting parties are responsible for making their own arrangements in advance but require to obtain a form from their Secretary, which has to be produced on arrival at the club being visited as a means of identification.
4. The charge of the play is at the discretion of the clubs – in most cases it is free – but members should confirm at the time of booking.
5. Visitors must comply with the dress rules laid down by the club that they are visiting.
6. The facility only applies to members of the 1895 Clubs and arrangements for other guests will be at the discretion of the club being visited and these persons would have to pay the full visitor’s fee.
The success of the 1895 Club lies in the conduct of members participating in it and all the clubs will be monitoring the arrangements to see if improvements can be implemented in the future.